Guidelines to setting up your company's online training software

  • Last Updated : January 4, 2024
  • 4 Min Read
How to set up your company's online training software

In our previous blog post, we talked about the importance of training your employees in the hybrid era. Now that you know the benefits of training your workforce, let's take a look at the process of setting up the online training ecosystem for your organization.

Several organizations use online training software to train their employees. There are several such software available on the market. So, before choosing one that caters to your organization's needs, let's first understand what an online training software is.

What is an online training software?

An online training software is a digital tool that helps organizations and enterprises create, deliver, and track training programs and modules for their employees, customers, or partners. It's a one-stop shop for your company's online training needs, offering capabilities such as:

  • Content creation: Build engaging online courses and training modules using various multi-media formats such as text, video, audio, images, and interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and assignments.

  • Delivery: Make your training accessible anytime, anywhere on any device, be it on-demand or real-time virtual sessions.

  • Tracking and reporting: Monitor your employees' learning progress, measure the effectiveness of your trainers and training programs, and identify areas for improvement.

  • Collaboration: Foster a collaborative learning environment with interaction and knowledge sharing among your learners through discussion forums, chat rooms, and community.

Benefits of using an online training software

Online training software, apart from facilitating learning from anywhere, offers many other benefits:  

  • Increased accessibility and flexibility: You can train your employees, partners, or customers from anywhere, at any time, on any device. This is especially beneficial for geographically dispersed teams.

  • Reduced costs: Online training eliminates the need for travel, venue rentals, and trainer fees, making it a more cost-effective solution than traditional in-person training.

  • Improved learning outcomes: Online training can be more engaging and interactive than traditional methods, leading to better knowledge retention and skill development among employees.

  • Streamlined administration: Online training software automates many administrative tasks, such as enrollment, progress tracking, email notifications, and reporting, saving time and resources.

What to look for while choosing an online training software

Choosing an online training software that perfectly fits your organization's needs depends on various factors, such as feature availability, your organization's budget, and the number of trainers and learners you have. We’ve collated a list to help you with this.

1. Different modes of training

Ensure that the platform supports different types of online training, such as:

On-demand: This mode allows employees to access training materials at their own pace and convenience. Look for a platform that supports various multimedia formats, such as PDFs, presentations, images, or videos.

Live classes: Real-time interaction is crucial for certain training needs, such as guest trainer workshops or one-on-one sessions. You can also use live classes to conduct customer training programs. Evaluate the software's capabilities for hosting live classes, including features like video conferencing, chat, and interactive whiteboards.

2. Built-in virtual classroom

Live classes bring us to the importance of having a built-in virtual classroom. Online training software with a built-in virtual classroom minimizes the need for additional software like Zoom or MS teams, simplifying the user experience and reducing costs.

3. Interactive features

Polls and quizzes: Effective learning involves active engagement. The ability to create polls and quizzes within the platform keeps learners actively involved and provides valuable feedback on their understanding.

Discussion forums: Robust discussion forums promote a sense of community among learners. Look for features like threaded discussions, moderation controls, and notifications to enhance the collaborative learning environment.

4. Budget

Assess the software's pricing structure, including any hidden costs. Consider scalability and whether the pricing aligns with your company's long-term training goals. Factor in potential costs for additional trainers, learners, or any other features that you may require as you scale up your training programs.

5. Grading and reporting

A concrete auto-grading system should allow for various assessment methods, from traditional quizzes to more interactive assignments. Reporting tools should provide detailed insights into individual and group performance, helping assess the overall effectiveness of your training program.

6. Accessibility

Ensure the platform allows your learners to access your training content on any device. Also, for global companies or those with a diverse workforce, multi-language support is crucial. The platform should not only offer content translation, it also provide a user interface that can be easily switched between languages, accommodating learners with different linguistic backgrounds.

Why choose TrainerCentral as your employee training platform?

TrainerCentral is our very own online training software, with which you can create engaging training programs for your employees, customers, and partners. The platform is available for organizations of any size, including individual trainers, SMBs, and enterprises.

Here are a few features that set TrainerCentral apart from other online training software:

  1. Built-in virtual classroom to host live workshops and one-on-one sessions.

  1. Myriad of interactive and community features such as polls, quizzes, assignments, and discussion forums.

  1. A grouping and pricing feature that allows you to sell training programs and courses for an external organization.

  1. A mobile app that lets your learners access your training content from anywhere.

  1. Auto-grading tests and assignments to evaluate your learners better.

  2. Comprehensive analytics and reporting to track your learners' progress.

Wrapping up 

Establishing an online employee training software is a strategic move that reaps numerous benefits for organizations. As highlighted, the process involves carefully choosing the right online training software tailored to meet the unique needs of your company.

Factors such as different modes of training, the presence of a built-in virtual classroom, interactive features, budget considerations, grading and reporting capabilities, and accessibility are pivotal in making an informed decision.

When navigating the landscape of available online training software, it’s essential to consider the current requirements of your organization as well as its future scalability. Features like live workshops, interactive assignments, and discussion forums contribute to creating a dynamic and collaborative learning environment.

TrainerCentral stands out as a robust online training software solution. Its built-in virtual classroom, interactive features, group pricing options, mobile app accessibility, and comprehensive analytics make it a valuable choice for organizations of all sizes.

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