From bored to buzzing: Energizing your remote workforce with interactive training

  • Last Updated : September 14, 2023
  • 5 Min Read
Energizing your remote workforce

Picture this: a group of employees staring blankly at their screens, fighting the constant battle against yawns and daydreams. Sound familiar? Well, you're not alone. In fact, a whopping 42% of people share your sentiment, believing that workplace training is about as engaging as watching grass grow.

And to add insult to injury, 31% of those respondents feel that formal training manages to drain all the fun out of learning entirely.

But here's the good news: the desire for training still burns bright. In the same survey, a resounding 77% of the workforce expressed their hunger for training experiences that are not just informative but downright enjoyable. Yes, you heard it right—training should be fun, not a chore!

In this blog post, we'll show you how infusing some fun and interactivity into your training sessions can ignite a spark in your team like never before. We'll also share best practices and handy tips, to help you implement interactive training with ease.

The battle against boredom 

But first, we must acknowledge the enemy we face: boredom, the stealthy assassin of motivation. When our remote workforce succumbs to the clutches of boredom, it's like eating a pizza without the cheese. It's just not the same! This brings us to the question...

What makes workforce training boring? 

Here are some reasons why workforce training can be a snooze-fest:

  1. Engagement? More like "disengagement": Traditional training methods rely on endless lectures and passive learning, leaving employees feeling disconnected and uninvolved. Using the same training methods just doesn't work for everyone's unique learning styles and preferences.
  2. Monotonous meltdown: Imagine your trainer delivering the training materials in the same robotic tone, without any surprises or excitement. Sounds boring, right? Predictable and repetitive formats quickly zap away any flicker of enthusiasm.
  3. Information avalanche: When training crams in too much content without giving you a chance to catch your breath, it becomes too much to handle. Let's give bite-sized content a fighting chance.
  4. Interactive interruption: When training feels like a one-way street, with no room for your thoughts and ideas, it's about as exciting as watching a clock tick. We need more interaction, discussions, hands-on activities, and other activities to keep the fire of learning alive.
  5. Boringly irrelevant: Training should address our specific needs and challenges, and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. Courses irrelevant to your learning goals become boring and ineffective.
  6. The fun factor is MIA: Training doesn't have to be a serious, snooze-inducing affair. It can even be fun and playful. Injecting some humor and creativity can turn that frown upside down.

Now that we've uncovered the culprits behind boring training, it's time to bring in the cavalry. Get ready to transform those dreary sessions into engaging adventures.

Practical strategies for energizing online workforce training 

In this section, we'll explore practical techniques, principles, and strategies to infuse your online workforce training.

1. Tailoring training to individual needs 

Let's ditch the "one size fits all" approach. By offering flexible training options, learners can choose their own adventure. Whether it's selecting modules based on their skill level, allowing them to explore topics of interest, or providing personalized learning paths, customization ensures that training resonates with each individual.

Example: A remote sales training program where each participant has their own virtual "sales skill tree." This allows learners to select their desired path of development, choosing specific skills they want to focus on, such as negotiation techniques, effective communication, or persuasive storytelling. This customized approach not only keeps learners engaged, it also empowers them to take ownership of their learning experience.

2. Tales that transport and teach 

Who doesn't love a good story? Tap into the power of storytelling to captivate your remote workforce during training. Weave narratives, anecdotes, and real-life examples into your content, transporting learners to exciting worlds where they can relate and apply their newfound knowledge. Just like a thrilling book or a captivating movie, stories make learning memorable and enjoyable.

Example: TED Talks are masters of combining storytelling with knowledge sharing. Their speakers use personal experiences, engaging anecdotes, and powerful narratives to make their talks not only informative but also entertaining and thought-provoking.

3. Bitesize learning for maximum enjoyment 

Remember, it's all about manageable portions! Break down your training content into digestible chunks. Provide short modules or micro-learning experiences that focus on specific topics. This way, learners can absorb information at their own pace, savoring each bite without feeling like they're drowning in a sea of knowledge. Embrace variety by incorporating videos, quizzes, interactive exercises, and engaging discussions to keep learners hooked.

Example: Take inspiration from remote language learning apps that deliver bite-sized lessons each day. Duolingo's approach of micro lessons has users eagerly returning for their daily language fix, turning learning into an addictive and enjoyable habit.

4. Collaborative adventures for team bonding 

Encourage collaboration and interaction between learners to create a sense of community and engagement. Use breakout rooms, group discussions, and collaborative activities that allow participants to learn from one another, share ideas, and build connections. When learners feel like they're part of a team, training becomes a shared adventure rather than a solitary task.

Example: Virtual team-building exercises, such as online escape rooms or collaborative problem-solving challenges, create an immersive and interactive experience. By working together to solve puzzles and complete missions, team members forge bonds and enjoy the thrill of accomplishment.

5. Navigating the sea of boringly irrelevant courses 

We've all been there, forced to endure training that feels as distant as a ship lost at sea. To conquer irrelevance, we must first chart the course by conducting thorough needs assessments. By understanding the specific challenges, skill gaps, and goals of our learners, we can tailor our training content accordingly.

Example: Imagine a remote marketing team embarking on a training journey. Instead of generic marketing courses, the lead delves into the team's needs and discovers their desire to enhance their social media marketing skills. The lead then customizes the training by incorporating modules on social media strategies, influencer marketing, and content creation for various platforms. This relevancy-focused approach ensures that the training addresses the team's specific needs and sparks their enthusiasm.

6. Adding sparkles of fun to remote workforce training 

The missing ingredient in remote workforce training is none other than the fun factor. When training lacks the element of fun, it's like a puzzle without its final piece—sadly incomplete. Sprinkling some fun into our training by infusing it with elements of playfulness, humor, and creativity, we can create engaging activities, interactive exercises, and lively discussions that transport our remote learners to a world of enjoyment.

Example: In a customer service training where participants are encouraged to role-play different customer scenarios, add a twist of fun! They could wear silly hats or use exaggerated accents to add humor to the exercise. This playful approach not only lightens the mood, it also helps learners connect emotionally with the content and retain the information in a memorable way.

Wrapping up 

With these practical strategies, tricks, and examples, you'll be well-equipped to transform your online workforce training into a joyous and engaging experience. Remember, chunk your content, weave stories, gamify your sessions, and foster collaboration among your remote learners. Banish boredom, embrace the fun, and unleash the full potential of your workforce.

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